Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fragmented Essay

I don’t remember my first hospital visit. Some of my earliest memories stem from when I was four—back then I frequented the hospital so much that whenever I was admitted, the nurses greeted me like a favorite niece. More than that, I felt like a momentary celebrity as I walked through the double doors to my floor and was cheerfully greeted by everyone. Because I was young, I never thought to wonder why everyone knew me when I couldn’t remember them. It’s just the way it was. But alas, my flash of fame would vanish as I would enter my room. Except, if you take away the IV’s and the throw-up bowls, needles, tubes, and surgeries, it wasn’t so bad. They tried to make it kid friendly. I even had themed sheets—like 101 Dalmatians. My most common problem was boredom. As an inpatient, all you have to look forward to are your 3 meals.