Anywho, the infamous package finally arrives, and we jet off to his parents house. And when I say jet, I mean drive, because they now only live about an hour and 15 mins away from us. Speaking of his family, I'm currently eating some of his mom's chocolate chip banana bread. But I digress. Anyway, we get there in time for their traditional ravioli dinner. I, of course, added to the dinner by bringing my mountain dew that I was determined to buy that morning. Because let's be real. Me + Caffeine=best friends. So when I don't drink caffeine, I think he gets a bit jealous and becomes a BIG headache for me.
Oh, and did I mention my husband's sister got their parents a ping pong table?!?!? I love me some ping pong. The hilarious part is that I'm about 100% certain that their mom could whoop my trash.
Later on Christmas Eve we even played chimes! [Imagine wind chimes. Except each chime is a note. And instead of having sheet music that show notes, we have numbers that each match a chime.] With a nail, you tap the chime when your number/note comes up. And voila! Christmas Music!
Our stockings for Christmas were kind of cool because we each put a little something into everyone's. So when I woke up on Christmas morning, I about died sister-in-law had gotten me FOUR cases of pop for "my stocking." BEST. STOCKING. STUFFER. EVER.
I need to back up really quickly. On Christmas Eve, my previously-mentioned-friend had given me a Christmas card with the instruction to not open it until Christmas Day. Except she entrusted it to my husband because she didn't believe I would wait to open it. Smh. Anyway, Christmas Day rolls around, I open the card, and finally understand her paranoia! Christmas morning is when she and her husband had decided to tell everyone that she was pregnant!!
Anyway, later yesterday evening we finally drove home around 8:00 pm. Unpacking the car was super cold. And here I am complaining about having to unpacking presents...shame on me. But once we put everything away, we played a few hands of Canasta! If you don't know what Canasta's the lowdown. Really cool card game. I'd rank it #2 on my list, right under Euchre. Oh crap. I just found out you can play it online. MAN!
Anyway, there you have it folks. My first Christmas as a married person.