Sunday, November 22, 2009

Note On A Napkin Part Deux

There are a lot of people that come into the creamery. Half of them I honestly can't remember. It just so happened that there was a guy trying to remove a cap with his keys. After watching him unsuccessfully remove the lid, I offered him my assistance. The funny thing was that it didn't even end up being me that removed the bottle cap. It was Britt. shout out! Anyway, their notes are fun to read anyway. And yes, after helping them, they told me they were the same people who left a note the first time. Then, my next day I saw this note taped up on the board at work. I took it :)

Dear The Creamery,

We thought that last time was a Fluke. Amazing service at local grills only happens about once a millenia, and Derek and I thought we were just the lucky recipients of a rare and evasive gift.
But alas, upon our return, the service was comparable, if not better than our previous visit! Derek purchased a Jarritos drink, and was valiantly struggling to remove its lid. As Derek used his last bit of energy and hope to open the bottle, Sheila swooped down with a bottle opener like a utensil Goddess and skillfully removed the lid. Finally, Derek could quench his unbearable thirst, and Finally, we realized the great service of before was not a Fluke. We knew in our hearts that the Creamery Grill was a store that stood for what is right, a store that fought for the common man. In a world filled with corporate greed and economic lusts, the creamery stands strong as a symbol of hope and purity.
--With all the love we posses, Derek and Zach

Thursday, October 29, 2009


It is a generally recognized fact that I have in fact dated a lot of tools in my past. Why? I haven't the slightest clue. It's not like I go out searching to find the most dishonest guy who will treat me like like I'm worthless. No, no. I actually do try to find decent guys.
Before I get ahead of myself, some poor souls are wondering, what does she mean by a tool? Besides being any guy i've ever dated (with a couple of exceptions), tools, in my opinion, are just guys who are on the narcissistic/egotistical side who don't really care too much about you. It's one of those, hey, you're replaceable kind of dealios. Overall, they just do really stupid things. And they get away with it.


Guy #1: i met when i was a young 14 yr old girl. He was outgoing, smooth, popular with the ladies. So wouldn't it seem obvious that I would have crush on this boy? It's not like I was the only one. In any case, we dated for a while until I got a call saying that he liked some other girl. AKA he'd been pursuing a relationship with this girl and then finally he had to tell me. Except for oh, he had his best friend call me because he didn't have the nerve. This agitated me a little bit, so when my twin brother asked who called I snidely responded it was none of his business. Not the best approach to someone you're close to.

Guy #2: Another lady's man. Very self-confident, but very sweet every once in a while. So we're dating and the very NEXT day I was talking to a friend of mine. She asked me if there was anything going on between us. I told her we were dating. She was shocked and said she'd back off because apparently that day he had been hitting on her and he had insinuated that he did not in fact have a significant other. So I broke up with him, and maybe out of spite starting dating another guy VERY soon after I broke up with him. Well, this guy ended up being a really decent guy. Very funny...amazing character. Anyhow, the WHOLE time I'm dating this guy, the boy I'm calling guy #2 was trying to win back my affections. He even had the audacity to come up to me, KISS ME, and walk away when i was dating this guy. I seriously stood there bewildered for about five minutes until I could regain my composure. And no, i didn't kiss him back. However, I was totally unprepared and inexperienced at the art of blocking kisses. haha. Anyhow, the guy I was dating and I finally broke up because, even though it wasn't my fault, I still felt guilty about what had happened. The night we break up, guy #2 calls me and wonders if I'm down with dating him again. Wow. It was one of those, hello, I just broke up with this guy. I told him I probably needed some time (understatement of the year). Well, within the week he was dating a good friend of mine.

Guy #3: I had assumed he was a good old country boy. He was very sweet to me, and and he called me beautiful as sort of a pet name. Although he was never unkind to me, he wasn't always honest. Every once in a while I would catch him lying when some stories just wouldn't add up. Then, out of the blue, he stopped answering my calls. Every once in a while he'd answer and say he was busy. So I just stopped calling. I hate feeling clingy. Well, after about two weeks I looked at his myspace page and lo and behold, he was dating someone else! I didn't even get a proper dismissal.

Guy #4: We weren't technically dating. We both knew I was leaving, so we weren't going to make any kind of long-term commitment. However, we went on 1-2 dates a week---which is a lot when you live almost an hour away from each other. Then there was one week where he had stopped texting me as much, and hadn't really called me. You see, one night I brought him to a party, and I introduced him to a girl that was from the same city as he was. Little did I know that in the time after I introduced them, they started hanging out and decided they liked each other. I find out from the boyfriend of this girl that all of this was going on. I don't really blame the girl at all. You see, they had a conversation that kind of goes like this:
Girl: Are you and Sheila dating?
Guy: No.
Girl: Is there anything going on between you?
Guy: No.
Girl: Are you sure?
Guy: Yes, we're just friends.
Well, because we were just friends, I accidentally gave the guy mono who in return gave the girl mono. Karma anyone?

Why, do you ask, am I writing all of this? Well, because last night my roommate and I went over to this guy's apartment. He seemed cool and I wasn't sure if I liked him or not. He was in the past interested, but I knew he wasn't anymore by his lame excuse of him not wanting to hang out because he just wasn't in the mood. I was fine with that, whatever. He was lying...he just doesn't like me and didn't want to tell me. BUT then he facebooked me asking me to come over but to bring a girl with me. Pretty much he wanted to use me to get a girl for his roommate. My roommate (who i brough with me) was uninterested in his roommate. Not only that, but the guy who invited me over was hitting on her!!! haha. Now that, my friends, is a straight up tool. All the more reason to stay away from them.

And now i'm done venting. :) cheerio!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Note Left On a Napkin :)

There were these guys who were already sitting down, but I hadn't gotten to wiping down their table so I asked them if I could clean it off for them. They said sure, and I told them it was more sanitary. Then we were joking around about how good of a busser I was and I again, jokingly, told them they should leave a note for my supervisor saying that I deserved a raise. (I even explained to them later that you only get a raise if you become a supervisor and every employee gets a raise every semester they work there. So, here is the note they left (that was extremely embellished and at parts completely made up).

Dear Creamery Grill Manager,

Today my friend Zach and I determined to eat at the grill. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Expecting the usual attributes of modern grilling establishments--untimely service, greasy tables, insect infestation--we ordered our burgers apprehensively.
As we sat down, however, a young lady named Sheila assuaged our fears as she wiped our table down. Using long, broad strokes, she swiftly decimated the bacteria that could adversely affect our livelihood. "Thank you!" We exclaimed in suprise as she angelically glided away.
"You're welcome," she said with a wink.
I turned to say more, but it was too late. She was gone, dutifully cleaning the next table. I looked at Zach, who looked at me. Together we sighed, smiled, and said, in unison, "What incredibly amazingly amazing service. She deserves a raise."
At that was that. Though we had never met this woman, she touched us in a way few human beings ever have. God bless you Creamery Grill.
With sincerity and love,
Derek & Zach

Note: I did in fact NOT wink at them. I should have. haha

Also, I cut my hair!!! ahhh!!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, I figured I'd give a little sneak peak to my facebook profile picture that I'm going to have for October/Halloween. It's a little bit of me, samuel, and Gotta love it! It originally was a picture of me and samuel from prom my senior year. lol.
So, i've realized that either i'm A) nostalgic or B) I really like people. Because from the last couple of days, i've reconnected with people i was friends with back in third grade from when i used to live in Ely, Nevada. Here's a rundown of Ely. It's pretty much the smallest ugliest city ever. Well, it's not really the city that's ugly. It's more like the mountains with the ugly brush. Until I moved to Utah I always thought mountains were ugly. I would have much rather cherished my beloved green cornfields. As a matter of fact, I really like green. Well, not that it's my favorite color, I just like being surrounded by green. But, the more i've been in utah the more i've become accustomed to the browness. At least the mountains here are pretty.
I would like to hereby vent about boys. If you so desire, just skip to the next paragraph, or reader who doesn't exist. crap. Except for I don't know what to say. Alright, so, here's my luck. There's this boy that I like that definitely doesn't like me. I'm pretty good at reading the signs. But he's so dang cute! So that means that probably for the next three weeks or so I will try to no avail to win over his affections. the end. Because at that point I will have given up. but NOT until then. When in reality I should have already given up way before then. Like, before now even. haha. Oh well. And THEN there is another boy. Who i'm not sure if I like or not. I may. But I feel like history is repeating itself. If it's right, then we'll just end up being friends. lol. And there's also that boy that I haven't hear from in a long time that will always have my heart. sigh. (is that anime enough? lol)
Okay, on to other topics like....the fact that my back hurts. It's probably due to working too much and then doing too much homework and being too stressed. Darn scoliosis! And I know it's just me being stubborn. At any point in time I could take the anti-inflammatory that my doctor prescribed for me, but i'd rather not. I really dont like taking medications for things. But sometimes my back gets so inflamed that it's rather debilitating. I remember last year I had to just lie on the floor because it hurt so badly.
My stomach also hurts gosh dang it! wow i'm venting. hey, but that's what blogs are for, right? In any case, i'm going to end it. It's hot in here and i need to go to bed because i have class in the morning! wooh! also, i'm starting to get tired and i need to take my iron pills!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog This... Blog That...

Have you ever started something that you knew with an absolute positiveness that it was doomed to fail? That, for me, is this blog. I can't keep a journal worth a lickin. I've tried. First was when i was around ten years old. That journal lasted a good two entries. The next was when i was a little older. It ranged from 2003-2008. It contained intermittent entries that usually talked about boys. A lot of information would be left out because i would get so ridiculously overwhelmed by what I needed to say, that I'd just leave it all out and start fresh. Then again, I have a huge loathing of repeating myself. The first time i tell a story it's quite exciting. Any time after that I feel like people can do without hearing what happened. So why start something that I know isn't going to work out? Beats me. Because I can.
So right now my head is ringing with a little bit of too much thought. You see, I love to read. But it's kind of overkill to read four books in two days. It gets to the point where your mind goes numb and you think too much. Well, not necessarily think too much, but too in depth. Who actually goes so far as to verbalize their thoughts in their head? oo, me! Well, if i read too much.
Also, I'm a little tired because I forgot to take my iron supplements last night and this morning. I kept falling asleep re-reading about the four gospels (there's a midterm coming up).
I'm also a teeny bit overwhelmed by my to-do list. It's a kind of random list that doesn't necessarily need to be done right away. It's stuff I need to do but keep forgetting. For instance, I need to buy a new SD card to replace my old one because my twin brother asked me to send him some more pictures. I have to go and buy a lock because I'm borrowing my roommate's. I need to write about five missionaries letters...since, well, july. I need to return a gift card that a friend left at another friend's apartment. The list just keeps going on and on. and I had to write it down because I'll forget. That's how my mind works.
Actually, my mind is, well, different. Scatterbrained would be a very good adjective. I reckon that most people's brains are at least a little bit organized. But my tends to be vehemently against organization. Which is why my room suffers. It, too is a mess. haha. But really, I can't even go as far as to try to plan a schedule. My mind would just refuse it. It would be too constraining and I don't think I have enough self-discipline to enforce it.
I'm also a very spontaneous person. I have these impulses that I usually try to suppress. I don't think it works out too hot. I'll get impulses to do seemingly innocent things such as to read, but then I'll end up reading for two days straight. Or I'll want to buy food or clothes or go somewhere random. Or do something slightly insane. It just happens. But a lot of the stuff I want to do are just whims, so then I get unmotivated pretty quickly. Sometimes so quickly that I never do the thing I wanted to do.
I also tend to be very loquacious. The more tired I am, the more I talk. The more nervous I am, the more I talk. The happier I am, the more I, well, laugh. I love to laugh. Except for it has a debilitating effect on me. You see, when I laugh REALLY REALLY REALLY hard, I just drop. I guess I can't multitask or something, because if I'm standing, I just drop to my knees. I also cackle when I laugh really hard. My twin brother and I, when it comes down to it, have almost identical laughs. Which is sad. And we get made fun of for our laughs. BUT the good thing is my normal--what you said isn't that hilarious--laugh isn't awkward. Sometimes, on rare occasions, I do snort. But, like I said, on RARE occasions.
I also like to listen to Mariah Carey. But that actually spawned from my twin brother being obsessed with her. So, her new album, in partial tribute Minnie Driver, is entitled Memoirs of an imperfect angel. Minnie's album was called Perfect Angel. In any case, I figured that would be a good name for my blog that won't talk about anything in specific. Just ramblings. Well, I might put in events from time to time. IF i ever write again.