Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sheila Got Ran Over by a Reindeer...and When I Say Reindeer, I Mean a Car

I don't like to repeat myself. Wow, that sounded rude. But I'm being truthful. So, to eradicate me repeating this story over and over, and to keep from trying to figure out how to make it shorter and shorter each time I tell people, I will give the full blown-out detailed version. That, and this is obviously a very successful way to procrastinate studying for my final tomorrow.

Once Upon A Time...

There was a beautiful, smart, and feisty, young girl walking to class. The caffeine addict she was, she had previously purchased a Dr Pepper to keep her energized throughout the day. (Important for later...well, not really). Anyway, maintaining her position as the favorite child, she was on the phone with her mother. She stopped at the crosswalk, and waited for the pedestrian sign to flash. Once it transitioned, she started walking. Much to her surprise, to her left a blue car started pushing into her. She kept thinking it would stop (I mean heavens, that's what most cars do when they see that they're running into a person), but it didn't. Instead, she was knocked to the ground. Instants later, the wheel of the car is stopped right on top of her leg. Right above the knee to be exact. Besides some other choice words that were said, the girl yells to the driver of the car, "Back up, back up, back up!" He hears her, and slowly backs up. The girl doesn't pay attention to what the guy does next, because the student population of BYU come rushing to her. It's a little overwhelming when you've just been run over by a car. A girl approaches and asks if she should call 911. Trying to assess the situation, the girl pauses, and finally decides it would probably be a good idea. Her brain was running a little bit slowly at that moment in time. Another guy approaches and asks if there's anyone he can call. Remembering that she was on the phone with her mother she answers, "Actually, I'm kind of on the phone with my mom right now if you could talk to her." He sees the the phone she pointed to, picks it up, and says, "Hi, you don't know me, but my name is ______ (I'm not trying to keep his name anonymous, but with my track record, being run over by a car didn't exactly help my inability to remember names) and your daughter kind of just got ran over by a car. Again, she stops paying attention to what's going on until she hears him ask her, "Do you want to talk to her?" He hands her the phone and all she hears is her mother crying hysterically. So of course, girl who just got ran over by a car is trying to calm her mother. The EMT arrives, and the girl promises to call her mom once she's at the hospital.

The conversation with the EMT's go as such:
EMT1: Do you have a medical history?
Girl: Yes
EMT1: What is it?
Girl: Too long to list.
EMT1: Can you try?
Girl: VATER syndrome...
EMT1 (clueless): So any diabetes?

EMT2: On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your pain?
Girl: Oh, I hate this game.
EMT2: I've never heard anyone refer to this as a game...
Girl: Yah, hurts pretty badly, so a 5?

EMT3: (Points to pop laying on the ground) We're going to leave this here.
Girl: (disappointed) Ok.
EMT3: Unless it's Dr Pepper...
Girl: IT IS DR PEPPER!!!!!! (It still got left)

The girl gets to the ER and sees the doctor. He tells her they're going to do lots of X-RAYS. The following conversation went down.
DOC: I bet you'd like some pain medication.
Girl: That would be nice.
DOC: (to nurse) Okay, we'll get her hooked up with an IV and get some morphine going...
Girl: Um, could I not get an IV?
DOC:(looks and girl incredulously and sarcastically remarks) What? Would you like some TYLENOL?!?
Girl: Could I just get something else?
DOC: Well, we could get you something by mouth, but it'll take up 45 mins to work.
Girl: (thinks about it) Yah, I still don't want an IV.
DOC: Okay, we'll get you some narco's.

While waiting to go to X-RAY, there's this young EMT with the girl. The girl has lots of experience keeping herself composed. Although a few tears have been shed, she's doing pretty well at keeping composed. The EMT looks at the girl who just got ran over and says, "You're so....calm."
Girl: Yah, this kind of stuff isn't exactly new. Well, not getting hit by cars, but being in the hospital. But my emotions are still heightened. Like, when I saw the guy who ran me over go to the hospital...
EMT: Oh yah, I wouldn't want the person who ran me over to be there...
Girl: No, it made me emotional because he did something nice for me! (Thus commences that crying that she had been pushing back. Of course).

The lady comes from X-RAY to get the girl. She asks if she has a ride home. "Nope," the girl responds, "I should probably get one." So she calls her roommate Stephanie.
Steph: Hello?
Girl: Are you home?
Steph: No, I'm just leaving to go to work. Why, what's up?
Girl: Nevermind.
Steph: Ok bye!

The girl then tries to call her friend Levi. It rings, is answered, and then hangs up. Not wanting to freak him out, she merely texts, "Hey, could you call me back? It's kind of important."
Thus starts the x-raying. The girl had pulled it together pretty well until the lady kept touching her leg and hurting it and making her hold positions that made her leg hurt and shake uncontrollably.  That is when she lost it emotionally. I mean really, who asks a sobbing girl if she's okay and expects an answer right away? Give her some time to quit crying so she can give an answer! Radiologists...

As she's waiting on the radiologist to finish things up with the x-rays, the girl looks at her phone and sees missed calls, texts, and fbook messages. All about "I hope you're okay". She calls her friend Levi once more,  and he tells her he's already at the hospital, and that their boss Dan is on his way.  There's one thing going through her mind...HOW IN THE WORLD DOES EVERYONE KNOW?!?

Well, apparently the girl can thank her mother for that. She messaged Levi, told everyone in her family, and then all her family members put it on Facebook. I mean really, what motivated almost 50 people to LIKE a status about a girl getting ran over by a car. Rude. haha.

Anywho, she gets back to her room and Levi, her boss Dan, and the guy who ran her over are all in the room. The poor guy felt so bad. He kept asking if everything was okay, and also told the girl he wanted to buy her a new pair of pants. The girl reassures him that's not needed, especially seeing as she bought the dress pants at Goodwill.

Nothing was broken. Diagnosis: Abrasion, contusion, and bruising.

Right before the girl left the ER, the nurse was cleaning out her wound. Dan and Levi were laughing at the faces the girl was making as it was being cleaned. Honestly, the worst part was pushing on the wound--not the burn from the cleaning chemicals. During this process, the girl gets a phone call from a girl seeing if she's okay. So here she is, making faces at the pain, being laughed at by her co-workers, and trying to talk on the phone all at the same time. So of course she ends up laughing.

And then her good friend Levi took her home.

To be continued...


  1. You should better than to expect us not to Facebook everything that happens, ever. The Spencer Family are media whores.

  2. Samuel and I were trying to find out what hospital Sheila was being taken to. Samuel called a friend who said probably Utah Valley. I knew Levi had just been at work with her and I just felt he was the right person to call anyway. I didn't have his number so I messaged him on Facebook, giving him my number. He called immediately, I told him what happened and asked if he could get Dan or her bishop or someone so she could get a blessing. Levi headed for the hospital right then. So you see, tell a Facebook friend is our new emergency mantra.
