Monday, June 18, 2012

I Date T00LS Part 2.

Why?? It's not like I'm ugly or something. Proof (a picture of my twin and I from our 23rd birthday):
Anyhow, because I'm a kind-hearted soul, I won't make you go all the way back to the first post about tools just so you can know what my definition of what one is. Basically, tools are "guys who are on the narcissistic/egotistical side who don't really care too much about you. It's one of those, hey, you're replaceable kind of dealios. Overall, they just do really stupid things. And they get away with it". 

Why do they get away with it? Because we let them. Because we make excuses for them. Because we like them. Because they know they can get away with it. Because deep down we want to be wanted so badly that we'll compromise how we expect to be treated with how they treat us. Plus, let's be honest with ourselves---tools tend to be on the attractive side.

As a random side note, I'm blogging about this because I can't find the wii remote to watch White Collar on Netflix. I blame the roommate who holes herself into her would-be-dungeon if she wasn't a muggle.

In any case, I just got done dating one of these tools. Well, sort of. Once I decide to grow up and do what's best for me, we will.

Let me paint a picture for you.

Okay, now let me actually paint a picture for you. But this time it's about the guy I was dating. And the weapon of choice: words.
Attractive, fun, nice, stable, and many more things. So of course I liked him. However, he kind of only liked me a little bit. So why did he bring up exclusively dating? Heck if I know. Apparently he doesn't even know. I think it's because he thought that's what I wanted. His guess was that he hadn't had a girlfriend in a while, so obviously I was the perfect solution.  T_T

It became pretty apparent that there was no way that he was interested in me enough to be exclusively dating me. Come on people, if you agree to only date one person, you gotta like them a pretty good amount. Enough that you'd actually, oh, I don't know--put EFFORT into your relationship. But this guy really didn't. Oh, excuse me--one time out of the two months we were dating, he actually said that I looked pretty. My bad. His excuse was that he didn't want to put in a lot of effort because he didn't know how much he liked me. TRANSLATION: He didn't like me enough to put effort into our relationship, and he obviously didn't like me enough to be that affectionate. And hello, girls need that, or else they're just going to feel like crap about themselves. It's an amazing feeling to be dating someone and really feel like that don't give a horse's poop about you. Basically my favorite.

Now to the best part: He finally admits that exclusively dating me probably isn't the path he'd rather take. Actually, he'd rather just casually hang out with me and date me. That's basically like saying,  "Hi, I have an idea. I really can't see this going anywhere, but I like hanging out with you, so I'm going to be selfish and try to keep you around so that you can even feel worse about yourself. Now I can maybe just text you once a week instead of the three times a week, and now I don't have to call you at all, even though there was that one time that I did...and oh ya, now I can hook up with other girls while you secretly wish that I would like you more".

PERFECT, RIGHT?!? So here I am, a freaking pansy, and even though I know I'd get hurt by it, I really, really, want to still be around him so I'm considering this awful proposal. Why? As I said before--Because deep down we want to be wanted so badly that we'll compromise how we expect to be treated with how they treat us. That's not even taking into consideration the whole when-you-date-someone-you-become-attached thing.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go Ava Kedavra my roommate or something. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


"Every girl is expected to have caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, a Jamaican dance hall butt, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, the hips of a nine-year-old boy, and the arms of Michelle Obama. The only person close to actually achieving this look is Kim Kardashian, who, as we know, was made by Russian scientists to sabotage our athletes. Everyone else is struggling." -Tina Fey

I "WiSH" and other Princess Ideas :)

Catch a Falling Star and put it in your it for a Rainy Day!!

I love the Princess Dairies. Someone got that movie right for every single girl on the planet. Why? I'll tell you.

1). We secretly wish we were all princesses as we wait day by day in our mundane lives until the magical turning point when the secret service comes to inform us of our royal birth. Which is why, ye peasants, my parents never should have told me I was related to Princess Diana (a relation via the Spencer/Churchill line). Can you imagine the effect that would have on a little girl? Scheming and daydreaming about how one day they would magically need me to step in to claim my royalty--despite the fact that as the youngest child I would automatically be last in line. Oh, did I mention that this relation is distant? Yah. Thought so.

2). Some numb-skull planted the idea in every girl's head that if we had the right makeup, hairdo, clothes, etc--that we'd all be drop-dead gorgeous. So the only thing that's getting in our way is the fact that we all don't have our own personal stylist to break their brush as they comb our hair. Seriously--the girl starts out with a practical unibrown, a white girl fro, no makeup, and an awful taste in clothes. Do you see my point here? Most of us on a daily basis wear makeup and try to look decent, so our "makeover" wouldn't be nearly as drastic. Her starting point isn't ours. Granted, some days eyebrows get a little bit out of control, but you catch my drift.

3). Everyone wants to be FAMOUS!!! No explanation needed.

4). Think of hot boy who's out of your league who also happens to be a tool. Then think about him wanting you. Then in the end you end up turning him down for another boy. There's something so justifying and uplifting about that. I'm not really sure what yet. It just IS. Maybe it's more about having the self-esteem to value your worth and actually sticking to your guns when it comes to choosing what's best for you. Yaaaah, that's it.

Finally...a favorite dance from "Just Another Cinderella Story"