Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why Disney Princesses Got Jipped

I get it, the Disney Princesses are meant to be the protagonists of the stories, but does that really mean the guys they married have to be...well...losers? Thank you, Disney, for lowering girls' expectations since 1923.

A friend of mine recently asked me which Disney Prince I'd prefer. Out of all of them, I picked Aladdin. Here's a run down of all the princes to help you all understand how I came to this conclusion.

Let's take into account why he's a beast in the first place. Oh yah, he's selfish and prideful; prob one of those guys who would go around shirtless when it's 60 degrees outside because they like the attention. Then of course he treats his princess exceptionally well by holding her captive. How did Belle fall in love with him again? To quote Perks of Being a Wallflower, I'd say it's because, "We accept the love we think we deserve." So probably because Belle was a social outcast, she fell in love with a guy who treated her like crap. Perfect guys, perfect.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I Love Valentine's Day.
No, I'm not crazy.
Actually, I've never even dated anyone during Valentine's Day.
To be exact, last year I actually broke up with my boyfriend at the time the night before Valentine's Day.


I love cuteness. I love happiness. I love expressions of admiration and love. Growing up, my favorite part of Valentine's was seeing what my dad would get me. Usually he would bring home roses or chocolate. I also loved helping my twin brother get together things for whomever he was dating. I liked the creativity involved. The feeling I get when I see people doing really cute things for other people is about what you feel when you see the pictures below:

Overwhelming joy.
